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WaSiM 10.05.03 (Topmodel)

Minute time step, time variable snow melt parameters and separate routing mode for WaSiM

  • With some small changes to the control file and an extra minute-column in all meteorologic input, the xplicit time step can now be as small as one minute. All output will also contain the new minute column, when the time step was smaller than one hour. Old setups are still compatible
  • snow melt methods using T-index or T-u-index approaches, can now be configured to use 12 monthly values for each parameter instead of one constant value
  • WaSiM undestands now a new command line option "-mode:routing". When this option (without quotes) is used, only the routing will run. Of course, the model must already have created the full output in a former run, with the runoff files containig the output for all sub-basins and the total basin.
    • and several bug fixes (see details of model development)

    »  Siehe auch Details der Modellentwicklung

    »  Hinweise zur Nutzung der OpenMP- und MPI-Modellversionen

    »  Download der Beschreibung zum Anpassen der Steuerdatei und Erzeugen zusätzlicher Grids für Version 9.07.00

    Download 2020-06-01
    Command line version for Windows 32 bit, single threaded 2020-06-01
    Command line version for Windows 32 bit using OpenMP 2020-06-01
    Command line version for Windows 64 bit, single threaded 2020-06-01
    Command line version for Windows 64 bit using OpenMP
    Ubuntu-WaSiM-10-05-03.tgz 2020-06-01
    OpenMP version for Ubuntu-Linux on Intel/AMD-PC with 64-bit architecture (contains Topmodel, Richards OpenMP and MPICH and OpenMPI)
    CentOS7-WaSiM-10-05-03.tgz 2020-06-01
    Topmodel and Richards as OpenMP and Richards as openMPI version for CentOS-Linux 7 on Intel/AMD-PC with 64-bit architecture (glibc 2.17)
    CentOS6-WaSiM-10-05-03.tgz 2020-06-01
    Topmodel and Richards as OpenMP and Richards as openMPI version for CentOS-Linux 6 on Intel/AMD-PC with 64-bit architecture (glibc 2.12)
    sample control file 2020-06-01
    sample control file for further user-defined adaptations
    back top home



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