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WaSiM 10.07.02 (Richards)

ice wedge degradation implemented

  • new functionality for ice wedge degradation: ExcessIceFactor is initialised as additional water equivalent and hgeo and theta are initialized according to the excess ice content. When running unsatzonmodel, actual theta_res and theta_sat are set for each layer in an ice wedge. All functions of the richards-solution (in unsatzon and soiltable) were extended by handling different thetasat and thetares values for ice wedges (e.g. if the normal theta_sat is 0.4 and thetares is 0.1 but with excess ice it is 0.65 and 0.05 resp., a return theta of 0.25 from the h_calc function (which is exactly 50% of useable water in the soil with the original theta values) is changed into 0.35 (which is also 50% of usable water in the soil with the excess ice - here, including the ice of course). After each model run, the changed DHM is written back to the input grid directory of the original dhm with the name extension _out. This could be used for coupling several runs (rename it first and remove the _out-extension!) IceWedge degradation can be used by
  • adding a new control file section like this:

    1 # do_ArcVeg; 0=no, 1=yes
    $outpath//$ExcessIceStack # stack, factor that expresses the excess ice in that soil layer
    $Writestack # Writecode for this stack

  • adding two standard grids, containing the ice wedges upper and lower depth for each cell (-9999 if no ice wedge is present)

    $set $IceWedgeUpperDepth = $grid//.iwdgup
    $set $IceWedgeLowerDepth = $grid//.iwdglo
    xx # number of standard grids
    $inpath_grid//$IceWedgeUpperDepth IceWedgeUpperDepth fillcode = 0
    $inpath_grid//$IceWedgeLowerDepth IceWedgeLowerDepth fillcode = 0

  • fixed routing with -mode:routing for lakes with abstraction rule "HydraulicConnection". No routing took place at all because there usually was no connection (both water levels were 0 but channel bottom level was above). To make this work, the routing description must contain two other values: A0 and W0 (A0 = initial area of the lake in m2, W0 is initial water table height in m a.s.l.). Example:

    ...and SP 1 ( file = $outpath//spv_01_sub09.//$code//$year , V0 = 4.69261e+10, A0 = 473.25E6, W0 = 395.107, C0 = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0, dTmin = $dtmin1 )

    0 and W0 must follow V0 in this order. A0 and W0 must be provided for all lakes that are connected hydraulically.
    V0, A0 and W0 can/must be taken from the last entry in the lake-statistics file of the previous run manually, since -mode:routing doesn't read these Values from the richards-storage file.
  • open netCDF files extended to 2000
  • Grid-filename numbering for annual averages and sums: year will be written with four digits now (instead of only two)
  • writecode = 8 works now immediately after reading the standard grids and variable grids and is applied only one single time to the filled but otherwise unchanged grids (e.g. the land use or soil codes are still orginal, aquifer depth is not changed according to the soil depth etc.). Thus, the written grids with the extension.filled could be used to replace standard grids that have not all cells filled
  • correction for column number for reading from external abstraction files
    • and several bug fixes (see details of model development)

    »  Wenn Sie die MPI-Version verwenden möchten, insbesondere bei einem geplanten Einsatz auf einem Supercomputer, können Sie hier eine spezifische Version bestellen

    »  Siehe auch Details der Modellentwicklung

    »  Hinweise zur Nutzung der OpenMP- und MPI-Modellversionen

    »  Download der Beschreibung zum Anpassen der Steuerdatei und Erzeugen zusätzlicher Grids für Version 9.07.00

    Download 2023-11-12
    Command line version for Windows 32 bit, single threaded 2023-11-12
    Command line version for Windows 32 bit using OpenMP 2023-11-12
    Command line version for Windows 64 bit, single threaded 2023-11-12
    Command line version for Windows 64 bit using OpenMP
    Ubuntu-WaSiM-10-07-02.tgz 2023-11-12
    OpenMP version for Ubuntu-Linux on Intel/AMD-PC with 64-bit architecture (contains Topmodel, Richards OpenMP and MPICH and OpenMPI)
    RHEL8-9-WaSiM-10-07-02.tgz 2023-11-12
    Topmodel and Richards as OpenMP and Richards as openMPI version for RHEL 8.9 on Intel/AMD-PC with 64-bit architecture
    RHEL9-3-WaSiM-10-07-02.tgz 2023-11-12
    Topmodel and Richards as OpenMP and Richards as openMPI version for RHEL 9.3 on Intel/AMD-PC with 64-bit architecture
    CentOS7-WaSiM-10-07-02.tgz 2023-11-12
    Topmodel and Richards as OpenMP and Richards as openMPI version for CentOS-Linux 7 on Intel/AMD-PC with 64-bit architecture (glibc 2.17)
    CentOS6-WaSiM-10-07-02.tgz 2023-11-12
    Topmodel and Richards as OpenMP and Richards as openMPI version for CentOS-Linux 6 on Intel/AMD-PC with 64-bit architecture (You need to have installed GCC version 7.3.0, since some new features use the C++ 2011 Standard, CentOS 6.4's default compiler and libraries are too old for this version)
    wasimuzr-10-07-02-x86-64-pc-linux-opensuse131-openmpi.tgz 2023-11-12
    Richards as openMPI version for OpenSuse 13.1 on Intel/AMD-PC with 64-bit architecture
    wasimuzr-10-07-02-x86-64-pc-linux-opensuseLeap42.2-openmpi.tgz 2023-11-12
    Richards as openMPI version for OpenSuse Leap 42.2 on Intel/AMD-PC with 64-bit architecture
    sample control file 2023-11-12
    sample control file for further user-defined adaptations
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