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WaSiM 10.04.05 (Richards)

Data assimilation for SWE-type and reservoir water table type data implemented, data handling improvements, several bug fixes

  • outflow from reservoir can be computed using the running average of the reservoir content over <n> intervals
  • SE stack can now be written like other stacks
  • Data assimilation routines implemented for reservoir water tables in external files and for SWE grids, can be read in at arbitrary dates and times
  • Grids of all types will automatically be interpolated to the model grid now (like netCDF and GIF files aready were), requirement for absolutely identical headers has thus been revoked
  • soil evaporation is now also possible for all other methods than Penman-Monteith
  • Hamon evaporation can use land use specific and open water specific correction factor
  • enhancement in hydraulic connection between lakes regarding water tables below channel bottom
    • and several bug fixes (see details of model development)

    »  Wenn Sie die MPI-Version verwenden möchten, insbesondere bei einem geplanten Einsatz auf einem Supercomputer, können Sie hier eine spezifische Version bestellen

    »  Siehe auch Details der Modellentwicklung

    »  Hinweise zur Nutzung der OpenMP- und MPI-Modellversionen

    »  Download der Beschreibung zum Anpassen der Steuerdatei und Erzeugen zusätzlicher Grids für Version 9.07.00

    Download 2019-09-02
    Command line version for Windows 32 bit, single threaded 2019-09-02
    Command line version for Windows 32 bit using OpenMP 2019-09-02
    Command line version for Windows 64 bit, single threaded 2019-09-02
    Command line version for Windows 64 bit using OpenMP
    Ubuntu-WaSiM-10-04-05.tgz 2019-09-02
    OpenMP version for Ubuntu-Linux on Intel/AMD-PC with 64-bit architecture (contains Topmodel, Richards OpenMP and MPICH and OpenMPI)
    CentOS7-WaSiM-10-04-05.tgz 2019-09-02
    Topmodel and Richards as OpenMP and Richards as openMPI version for CentOS-Linux 7 on Intel/AMD-PC with 64-bit architecture (glibc 2.17)
    CentOS6-WaSiM-10-04-05.tgz 2019-09-02
    Topmodel and Richards as OpenMP and Richards as openMPI version for CentOS-Linux 6 on Intel/AMD-PC with 64-bit architecture (You need to have installed GCC version 7.3.0, since some new features use the C++ 2011 Standard, CentOS 6.4's default compiler and libraries are too old for this version)
    wasimuzr-10-04-05-x86-64-pc-linux-opensuse131-openmpi.tgz 2019-09-02
    Richards as openMPI version for OpenSuse 13.1 on Intel/AMD-PC with 64-bit architecture
    wasimuzr-10-04-05-x86-64-pc-linux-opensuseLeap42.2-openmpi.tgz 2019-09-02
    Richards as openMPI version for OpenSuse Leap 42.2 on Intel/AMD-PC with 64-bit architecture
    sample control file 2019-09-02
    sample control file for further user-defined adaptations
    back top home



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