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inflows, abstractions and internal transfers
Inflows and abstractions can be defined as internal or as external fluxes. An internal abstraction must have a corre3sponding intzernal inflow, so this combination is an internal transfer.
External abstractuins are amounts of water that will be drawn out of the model domain and. In effect, this are losses to the basins water cycle (e.g. cooling water, irrigation, drinking water supply) to regions outside the basin. External abstractions must be defined in a routing description for the respective sub-basin and will be written as file with abstractions in [m3/s]. The remaining water balance in the basin will be reduced by the abtracted amount.
External inflows, on the other hand, are amounts of water, which were not generated in the model itself but which are received by the basin by natural or artificial means, e.g. through karst channels or by artificial drinage from other basins (or, for example, by waste water treatments which process water abstracted from other basins as drinking water and which is now an external source of water for the actual basin). Eachexternal inflow must be coded as a file in WaSiM table format with values in [m3/s]. The internalwater balance is increased by the inflow amount.
Internal abstractions and inflows, so called internal transfers, describe the anthropgenic (artificial) or natural transfer of water from one sub-basin of the model domain to another sub-basin which does not follow the natural flow path defined by the river network and thus can not be modelled by the routing module using the tree structure of the river network.
How to define routing structures can be found also in the model documentation.
Starting with WaSiM 8.0.10 There may also be time variable rules.
some new features are:- Definition of time variable rules for internal and external abstractions and transfers
- Reading abstractions from externally provided files
- Consideration of maximum abstractions (e.g. capacity of galleries or capacity of target river)
- Output of internal abstractions as WaSiM output table files
for details see: Extended routing rules