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Modelling of multiple aquifers

The integrated 2D grundwaterer model has follwing features:

  • Finite Elemente Methode for iterative Solution of flow and transport equation
  • Consideration of (theoretically) any number of confined and unconfined aquifers
  • Coupling between aquifers is done using colmation grids
  • Constant head boundary conditions
  • Constant flux boundary conditions
  • Fully integrated salt and tracer transport
  • Interaction with surface water: consideration of groundwater exfiltration and re-infiltration, e.g. into and from river beds or lakes

Input grids for groundwater module:
  • Hydraulic conductivities in x- and y-direction for each aquifer
  • storage coefficients (important for confined aquifers)
  • Porosities (for unconfined aquifers, will, however, be over overwritten internally with soil moisture specifc actual values)
  • River widths and depths (for all celsl which should be handled as riuver cells)
  • Colmation of the river beds
  • Colmation between the aquifers (for leakage calculations)
  • Boundary conditions of first and second order (constant head and constant flux)
  • Aquifer thicknesses

A detailed documentation for modelling groundwater fluxes can be found in the documentation (2012).

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