Coupling with tools for otimizing parameters
Calibrating WaSiM can be a difficult task. Using automated parameter estimation and otimizing tools can be of great help. Experiences in coupling WaSiM with optimization tools exist for the following tools:
- PEST (Parameter ESTimation)
- SCE-UA (Shuffled Complex Evolution – University of Arizona)
- DYNIA (DYNamic Identifiability Analysis)
Kunstmann, H., J. Krause, S. Mayr (2006) |
Inverse distributed hydrological modelling of Alpine catchments. |
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 10: 395-412
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Pakosch, S., M. Disse (2007) |
Half-automatic calibration of WaSiM by using the genetic evolution algorithm SCE-UA. |
Geophys. Res. Abstracts Vol. 9, 04339
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Wriedt, G., M. Rode (2006) |
Investigation of parameter uncertainty and identifiability of the hydrological model WaSiM. |
Adv. Geosci. 9: 145-150
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Sägesser, M. (2004) |
Development and Application of a Hydrological Model for River Aare until Hagneck using WaSiM coupled with PEST (Zusammenfassung). |
Publikation Gewässerkunde 310, Bern
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