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WaSiM 9.09.04 (Topmodel)

Some MPI enhancements and MPI bug fixes (almost all changes are relevant for Richards-version only)

  • path names in DefaultOutputDirectory that started with \\ (windows UNC-path) where not correctly resolved for zonal statistics
    • and several additional bug fixes (see details of model development)

    »  See also Details of model development

    »  Notes to the OpenMP and MPI model versions

    »  Download the description on how to update the control file and create additional grids required for version 9.07.00

    Download 2016-07-03
    Command line version for Windows 32 bit 2016-07-03
    Command line version for Windows 32 bit using OpenMP 2016-07-03
    Command line version for Windows 64 bit 2016-07-03
    Command line version for Windows 64 bit using OpenMP 2016-07-03
    OpenMP version for Ubuntu-Linux on Intel/AMD-PC with 64-bit architecture
    CentOS-WaSiM-9-09-04.tgz 2016-07-03
    OpenMP version for CentOS-Linux 6.4 and 6.7 on Intel/AMD-PC with 64-bit architecture (glibc 1.2)
    sample control file 2016-07-03
    sample control file for further user-defined adaptations
    back top home



    new release availabe:
    WaSiM 10.08.00 -> More »


    SG and GL in 64 bit:
    Installer -> here »