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WaSiM 9.08.03 (Topmodel)

GIF Reader for Radar Data extensions, Use of a scaling grid for interpolations

  • parameterizable mapping of GIF Radar image data to precipitation values
  • -9999 as missing value in grid list: latest known grid will be read again in roder to revert changes in precpitation from wind driven snow deposition
  • scaling grid(s) can optionally be used for meteorologic interpolation
  • fill missing values when reading in grids: search radius limite to 10 (from 50); internally used for GIF radar data: if no valid call was found, missing values are replaced by 0

  • »  See also Details of model development

    »  Notes to the OpenMP and MPI model versions

    »  Download the description on how to update the control file and create additional grids required for version 9.07.00

    Download 2015-05-25
    Command line version for Windows 32 bit 2015-05-25
    Command line version for Windows 32 bit using OpenMP 2015-05-25
    Command line version for Windows 64 bit 2015-05-25
    Command line version for Windows 64 bit using OpenMP 2015-05-25
    OpenMP version for Linux on Intel/AMD-PC with 64-bit architecture
    sample control file 2015-05-25
    sample control file for further user-defined adaptations
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