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WaSiM 10.04.07 (Topmodel)

some performance improvements for OpenMP on Windows, several other bug fixes

  • Names of temporary or informational files will not contain a $ any more since Linux may have problems with this names, in particular when using netCDF output
  • lake abstractions: smoother reaction on very large abstractions of small lakes (like for e.g. river power plants that do mainly use inflowing water and only dam the river to get a reasonable elevation difference for power generation
  • some performance optimizations in core routines of unsaturated zone

  • »  See also Details of model development

    »  Notes to the OpenMP and MPI model versions

    »  Download the description on how to update the control file and create additional grids required for version 9.07.00

    Download 2019-11-16
    Command line version for Windows 32 bit, single threaded 2019-11-16
    Command line version for Windows 32 bit using OpenMP 2019-11-16
    Command line version for Windows 64 bit, single threaded 2019-11-16
    Command line version for Windows 64 bit using OpenMP
    Ubuntu-WaSiM-10-04-07.tgz 2019-11-16
    OpenMP version for Ubuntu-Linux on Intel/AMD-PC with 64-bit architecture (contains Topmodel, Richards OpenMP and MPICH and OpenMPI)
    CentOS7-WaSiM-10-04-07.tgz 2019-11-16
    Topmodel and Richards as OpenMP and Richards as openMPI version for CentOS-Linux 7 on Intel/AMD-PC with 64-bit architecture (glibc 2.17)
    CentOS6-WaSiM-10-04-07.tgz 2019-11-16
    Topmodel and Richards as OpenMP and Richards as openMPI version for CentOS-Linux 6 on Intel/AMD-PC with 64-bit architecture (You need to have installed GCC version 7.3.0, since some new features use the C++ 2011 Standard, CentOS 6.4's default compiler and libraries are too old for this version)
    sample control file 2019-11-16
    sample control file for further user-defined adaptations
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    new release availabe:
    WaSiM 10.08.00 -> More »


    SG and GL in 64 bit:
    Installer -> here »