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WaSiM 9.09.08 (Richards)

Some enhancements for glacier model, surface routing and snow model as well as bugfixes for MPI version and some other components

  • Glaciers can be created dynamically if the snow at the end of summer exceeds a parametrizable threshold
  • New option -repairAfterDump for dumpmode execution mode. WaSiM then tries to keep the core parameters (soil temperature and soil moisture) within reasonable limits
  • Energy balance snow melt approaches: energy balance can be scaled with a new scaling parameter in order to accound for the snow pack modelled as a single block
  • Left-over snow of unglacierized fractions of a glacier cell is moved to the glacierized fraction when glaciers are resized (To avoid large accumuluated mounts of snow after several model years)
  • MPI: halo and helper grids are no longer written to the hard disk on start-up, only in debug version
  • MPI: bugfix for initialization of grids that were read in in single precision format
  • snow storage grids for glacierized cells with 100% glaciers on it will be set to 0 in order to improve visualization
  • Surface routing: fluxes into river cells and other fluxes with no backwater conditions are much faster no, reduced fluxes apply only for real backwater conditions
    • and several additional bug fixes (see details of model development)

    »  for using the MPI version, especially if running on a super compuiter, please request a specific version here

    »  See also Details of model development

    »  Notes to the OpenMP and MPI model versions

    »  Download the description on how to update the control file and create additional grids required for version 9.07.00

    Download 2016-10-19
    Command line version for Windows 32 bit 2016-10-19
    Command line version for Windows 32 bit using OpenMP 2016-10-19
    Command line version for Windows 64 bit 2016-10-19
    Command line version for Windows 64 bit using OpenMP 2016-10-19
    OpenMP version for Ubuntu-Linux on Intel/AMD-PC with 64-bit architecture 2016-10-19
    MPI/OpenMP version for Ubuntu-Linux on Intel/AMD-PC with 64-bit architecture 2016-10-19
    OpenMPI/OpenMP version for Ubuntu-Linux on Intel/AMD-PC with 64-bit architecture
    CentOS-WaSiM-9-09-08.tgz 2016-10-19
    OpenMP version for CentOS-Linux 6.4 and 6.7 on Intel/AMD-PC with 64-bit architecture (glibc 1.2)
    sample control file 2016-10-19
    sample control file for further user-defined adaptations
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    new release availabe:
    WaSiM 10.08.00 -> More »


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