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WaSiM 9.08.02 (Richards)

GIF Reader for Radar Data implemented, dumpmode for recignizing numerical instabilities, several bug fixes

  • GIF radar data can be read in directly (interpolation method 9)
  • -9999 as a filename in the grid list file for method 9 is interpreted as missing value
  • new debug mode as command line option: -dumpmode; writes memory dump when numerical problems occur in soilmodel and heat-transfer model
  • bug fix: calculating sunshine duration and temperature correction from observed and theoretic radiation in arctic regions
  • several bug fixes in heat transfer model, glacier model and HRU/spin-up-mode

»  for using the MPI version, especially if running on a super compuiter, please request a specific version here

»  See also Details of model development

»  Notes to the OpenMP and MPI model versions

»  Download the description on how to update the control file and create additional grids required for version 9.07.00

Download 2015-05-09
Command line version for Windows 32 bit 2015-05-09
Command line version for Windows 32 bit using OpenMP 2015-05-09
Command line version for Windows 64 bit 2015-05-09
Command line version for Windows 64 bit using OpenMP 2015-05-09
OpenMP version for Linux on Intel/AMD-PC with 64-bit architecture
sample control file 2015-05-09
sample control file for further user-defined adaptations
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new release availabe:
WaSiM 10.08.00 -> More »


SG and GL in 64 bit:
Installer -> here »